You are Kerm, a mole with a dream to make the best houses in the area. Build and decorate your houses with the best furniture, and make your wacky clients as happy as can be!

Please read tutorial in main menu before starting!

Known Bugs:

Kiwi build menu wrong,

Some objects float,

Last line of dialogue repeated,

Escape leaves contract rather than exiting building or mining mode.

Updated 25 days ago
Published 28 days ago
Authorssynclair, MisterGuuber, ruhojin, Cremee
TagsGame Maker's Toolkit Jam, house-building


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(1 edit)

i also made this :)


It's a really cute building game that i quite enjoyed.:


The game fits the theme. I really liked the idea of building burrows for animals and the characters were funny and witty (and cute :>) I feel like the game was a bit too easy. Maybe instead of a list you have to decode what the characters want from their request? I love the game nonetheless


The games art is really cute and good. Only thing i have to pick on is that the UI doesn't really fit the game's art. It creates a weird clash of pixel and non pixel art.

Sound Design:

The music is very chill and fitting, i really liked it. (sound slider please?)

Major kudos for sound effects, I'm really happy that your game has implemented sound effects for practically every actions, it's a rarity in this jam and you should be proud of that :)


Overall really cute and well done game, really like this one! Good job :)